Monday, November 11, 2013

You don't always need the newest Camera, just learn what you have. : dltphoto

Just astonished by the performance from one of my "little" camera's. Where it is nice to have the latest and greatest, knowing how to use the camera to it's fullest should be all you need. Make sure when investing in a  camera you talk to a salesperson who listens to you and then asks questions about what photography you want to do, so that they can match the best camera for your needs. I researched this model and learned it's capabilities before I purchased. Although I know it is fairly quirky in some of it's functions overall it can do the same as it's bigger brother "DSLR's".

I love the "Circles of Confusion " in this one

1 comment:

Wallace said...

Why didn't I read this before buying a new camera?

I tend to agree most cameras today do not stand in the way of creating good images it's at the boundary of what can be done where the minor differences show themselves.


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