Sunday, November 20, 2011

The ones that don't make the cut...:dltphoto

As professionals it is just assumed that we nail all our shots all the time, everytime. Funny thing is when we are trying  so hard to "get" that shot it often this leads to epic failures, which then visit the "delete" button. Oh how we love you delete button...
This little post is a "Raise Your Glasses" to you whom were scheduled to be deleted for whatever reason or are sitting in the recycle bin clinging to lifes last moments. For being a bad exposure, flash didnt fire, out of focus or just simply the shot didnt work.
 Heres to you, Failures!
Cheers ( raises glass)


Wallace said...

You too? I think the pool one is too good for deletion. Thanks for the laugh

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DLT said...


ufo 3d said...

Thanks for sharing!

Farhan Tanvir said...

A strange concept that proved to be visually successful and impressive!
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Techcloud said...

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